Meet our exceptional team of professionals dedicated to serving the Greater Cleveland area.
Our Team
Paul Fitzpatrick
Executive Director
Paul earned 2 associate degrees during an 18 ½ years prison sentence, and received his bachelor’s degree from Cleveland State University in 2019 upon release. Paul now uses his education and lived experiences to help others who had experienced hardships in their lives, and advocates for policy and systemic changes.
Devon Ventura
Director of Programs and Human Resources
Devon Ventura graduated from Cleveland State University in 2020 with studies in Psychology and Human Resources. Former collegiate athlete and mentor. Utilizing his experience Devon provides unique perspective and guidance to our populations.
Virgen Caraballo
Executive Assistant
With over 4+ years of experience as a professional, Virgen skillfully manages administrative duties and client relations for her colleagues at CleveLawn-Home. Virgen brings a unique perspective and knowledge of the healthcare industry and criminal justice system to CleveLawn-Home.