CleveLawn-Home Welcomes Newest Board Member, Robert Koonce

CleveLawn-Home is proud to welcome Robert Koonce as the newest member of our Board of Directors!

Robert first met Executive Director, Paul Fitzpatrick while working with the Cleveland Peacemakers Alliance and has seen CleveLawn-Home develop from an early idea to an effective organization making huge impacts in people's lives. 

With over 16 years of experience in the non-profit sector, Robert comes to us with extensive knowledge of fundraising and communication. Throughout his career, Robert has led teams, successfully completed complex projects, built communication channels from scratch, and raised millions of dollars for faith-based, conservation, education, and arts + culture causes. Robert Koonce is now the President and Owner of Monticola Advising, LLC.

We are grateful for Robert and his commitment to helping members of our community!


‘You can’t overcome that by yourself’


House Bill 33 Testimonies